Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Two" much fun!

 His birthday morning! Sweet as can be!

My baby boy turned two almost two months ago. This was the post I was dreading. I wasn't dreading it because I am not delighted about who he is becoming each day, or that I'm not more in love with him each day that passes. I was dreading it because I was scared that my words wouldn't capture the way I feel for him. I was terrified that what I wrote wouldn't properly reflect the true meaning of what I wanted to say. I love this baby boy more than any words could express. I am so proud of him. I wanted to write a super special letter that told him how important he is and how much his Daddy and I love him. I started and erased this posted probably ten times. I just couldn't get it right. Then, I thought... it doesn't have to be perfect because he already knows. He knows how much he's loved because he lives it. He feels it each day. So, instead of never posting again because of this crippling fear that I can't do it perfectly or write the most meaningful, poetic letter to my child, I will just do what I can. I will take pictures of him, and play with him, and blog about him to capture some memories, and rock him, and kiss and hug him. I will be his mama, and he will know.
He can do all sorts of great tricks now that he has larned in two years. He knows his body parts, lots of cartoon characters, many vocabulary words, how to run, jump, play, put his shoes on, has sat on the potty a few times, is learning to ride his scooter, LOVES animals and Conner Prairie, says, "I love you too", helps with laundry, turns the TV on and off, loves to play outside, love airplanes, loves Kung Fu Panda and Ice Age movies, loves to wrestle and hug his sissy, and likes to pretend he's scared of "monmas" (monters) and bad guys. He has changed my life. He taught me to love more than I knew how.

Chuck E. Cheese with his cousins during the day of his birthday, which was on a Friday. Love that!

Cotton candy.

Opening his presents from mama and dada on his birthday after dinner at Noodles and some ice cream!

Saturday morning! The day of his big birthday party! I love this picture because my kids have no idea how absolutely precious they are, but I do.

Pizza planet. Just like Toy Story!

The party was Toy Story so we had a dump truck come to visit, just like the one Lotso Huggin' Bear drove in the movie. Tyler HATED the dumped truck!! He was scared to death of it. Bless his heart.

1 comment:

  1. That's a wonderful story by a wonderful mom. And how is mom?
    G-Dad ;)

    PS. Jake use to BEG! me to chase/find the fire trucks when they would leave the station close to our old house by Emily's. He was 2 also.
    When we's catch the trucks.. scared to death. Wouldn't have a thing to do with them.
